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жмур в рукомойнике [произведения рецензента] [карма рецензента: +0/+0] [игнорировать рецензента]
14-04-2006, 17:12:03;
  Вот на голову пришло: если б я помнил бы всё, что сказал, я б из Тенистого не вылезал. К чему ? А что его знает… Земля ужасно с виду чёрная…


ИТ [произведения рецензента] [карма рецензента: +0/+0] [игнорировать рецензента]
22-02-2006, 15:23:54;
  Salt Frenzy Reminiscent of Soviet Product Deficit
By Elizabeth Swanson The Moscow News
Panicking shoppers are sweeping salt off the shelves accross central Russia as unexplained fears of a deficit have caused prices in some areas to skyrocket by 1,000 percent.

Panicking shoppers are sweeping salt off the shelves accross central Russia as unexplained fears of a deficit have caused prices in some areas to skyrocket by 1,000 percent.

What started as an increased demand for salt in Voronezh has swept through the regions of Nizhny Novgorod, Bryansk, Tambov, Kaluga and Tula - the latter provinces bordering the Moscow region. A package of salt in Voronezh now costs about 50 rubles (almost $2), which is twice the cost of a package of sugar, the Trud daily reports.

On Saturday, residents in the Kursk region, where the monthly average of sold salt grosses in at about 110 tons, shoppers stocked up on 130 tons of salt in a single day, local news agencies reported.

In Vladimir, about 190 km from Moscow, shop windows display a sign that says "no more than two packages of salt to be sold to each customer." "The Ukrainians won't sell us any salt - they're taking revenge for the gas," an Izvestia correspondent reported hearing at the local market. Shoppers there have depleted the town's monthly stock of the product. Just like in the good old Soviet days, wary consumers are also stocking up on other necessities, like sugar, matches, and macaroni - and talking about a possible war with Ukraine. Pensioners in Voronezh, for example, remember the days right after World War II when those products disappeared off the shelves in a nation-wide deficit. But since the thread-bare days of late perestroika in the late 1980's and early 1990's, there has been only one similar panic - a few days in August 1998, at the beginning of that year's economic crisis.

Experts and authorities agree that the salt frenzy is much like a psychological infection and has nothing to do with the economy. But there were varying reports as to where the rumor originated. Echo Moskvy radio quoted Nizhny Novgorod vice governor Vladimir Ivanov as saying that the panic started in Voronezh over the weekend, where local TV aired a report that Ukraine had cut its shipment of salt to Moscow.

"I can't say why there's a deficit in the stores," Interfax quoted Voronezh region governor Vladimir Kulakov as saying. "Maybe it was caused by the fact that starting Jan. 1, there is a VAT tax on all Ukrainian transactions."

According to the Vedomosti business daily, the rumors could have been a gimmick set up by salt producers. "There are some people who start rumors so that they can increase sales," the daily quoted Ivanov as saying. Denis Labuza, minister of support for small businesses, told Vedomosti that certain businesses spread rumors just to draw attention to themselves.

филька [произведения рецензента] [карма рецензента: +0/+0] [игнорировать рецензента]
22-02-2006, 00:17:41;
  A shortage of salt would be disturbing for Russians as it is traditionally offered with bread in wedding and welcome ceremonies, and is commonly used for preserving cucumbers and other vegetables.

"Energy war drives Russians into a panic over their salt",
By Jeremy Page,
The Times February 21, 2006

Толья Ипильцин [произведения рецензента] [карма рецензента: +0/+0] [игнорировать рецензента]
12-02-2006, 02:27:20;
  Стиби худущего! :)))))))

ИлТо [произведения рецензента] [карма рецензента: +0/+0] [игнорировать рецензента]
12-02-2006, 02:17:43;
  Стибу хидущего :)))))))

Александр Дубинин [произведения рецензента] [карма рецензента: +0/+0] [игнорировать рецензента]
12-02-2006, 01:41:53;
  Стихи будущего

типоаффтар :))))))) [произведения рецензента] [карма рецензента: +0/+0] [игнорировать рецензента]
28-12-2005, 16:49:15;
  Это почему же??? А если их подковать и запрячь??? Чем не Транспортное Средство (ТС)??? :)))))))

Мирра Лукенглас [произведения рецензента] [карма рецензента: +3/-14] [игнорировать рецензента]
28-12-2005, 15:23:26;
  кроме блох и тараканов. :)

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